On Tuesday 18 May 2021 at 6:00 pm, Boorowa Central School will host a comprehensive information evening detailing their extensive ‘Transition to School’ programs for prospective Kindergarten and Year 7 students in 2022.
An information evening is a great way to meet the staff who will be working with your children in the years to come. Staff and students will answer any questions you have.
Kindergarten families are invited to visit the Infants building and Kindergarten classroom at 5:30 pm before the information session in the Library. Transition into Year 7 and Kindy Start are an essential part of preparing for a smooth transition to school. If you are undecided on which school your child will be attending or unsure whether your child is ready for school we welcome you and your child to our High School Preparation and Kindy Start information evening.
Staff will be available to care for children during the presentation. A light supper will be provided.
Important dates:
Tuesday 18th May, 2021 Information Evening. 6pm Information session in the school library. 5.30pm Kindergarten Classroom and Infants Building Tour.