Last Friday, the Boorowa Hospital Auxiliary held an amazingly successful Mother’s Day Stall in Bertie McMahon’s Barber Shop.
Proceeds from the stall were in excess of $1600 and the Auxiliary thank the Boorowa community and passing travellers for their generous support, which included donated items to sell, purchasing the produce and many generous monetry donations.
This money will be used to purchase a new and modern bariatric shower and commode chair, which was a request from hospital staff for patient use.
A beautifully handmade quilt was donated by a friend of Julie Styles for the raffle and the lucky winner of the raffle was Thora Regan.
The Auxiliary welcomes new member Margaret Jowett and they are always pleased
to have new members who always have new ideas!
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at the hospital. If you would like to come along to an Auxiliary meeting, give President Lydia Sheridan a ring on 0427 638 534 or Publicity Officer Glenys Dymock on 0428 402 050.
If you are new to town this is a great way to become part of the Boorowa community, make new friends and help the Boorowa Hospital along the way.