Playing Ditch Weight

Lawn Bowls
Lawn Bowls

With lawn bowls being classified as a community sport, this means that lawn bowls cannot be played during periods of lockdown.

When Hilltops LGA came out of lockdown the regulations stated that the greens could not be open unless the licensed premises of the club were open.

In the brief period that we had out of lockdown our bowlers only had one opportunity to play and that was on Thursday 16th September.

The weather was fine and sunny, and the greens were in top condition. A total of 22 men and 16 women players enjoyed their afternoon.

In the men’s games the highest margin for the day was 16 shots for Milan Brankovic, Ian Gailey and Cliff Traynor.

Just behind them with a 15 shot margin were Tony Ruhl and Joe Bargwanna. Other winning teams and their margins were: Alan Gall and Harold Anderson (3 shots), Phil Taylor and Denis Rosen (10 shots) and Albert Carter and Bob Ruhl (10 shots).

The jackpot of $198 was not won.

In the women’s games the winning team for the afternoon consisted of Margaret Glasheen, Robyn Tierney and Julie Alavoine.

With the lockdown situation varying from day to day it is not possible to plan too far ahead with our events.

The two Men’s Pairs tournaments that were scheduled for September and October have been cancelled.

New dates will be set down for the Club Triples Championship when the health situation becomes clearer.

For women’s bowls their next meeting will be moved from the 23rd September to the 30th September at 11 am.

Entries for the Women’s Triples Championship close on 30th September with play to start on 7th October.

For all our bowlers – male and female – we will try to send you updates concerning when play will be possible. If you are in doubt please check the Bowling Club Facebook page.

I will take this opportunity to thank Sam and his staff for their contributions to the club over the past two–and–a–half years and to wish them well in the next stage of their lives.

Local bowlers, visiting bowlers and other patrons have enjoyed their meals and their friendly manner.

No doubt everyone in our community is hoping that the number of people to contract the virus will be small and that the people affected will recover from their illness without any long term effects.

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