Local Health, Education and Wellness

Rita O'conner
Rita O'conner

As a Councillor it is often difficult to get an insight into the work staff do. However, this month has been incredibly busy with budget and LEP work and I particularly want to thank and commend the staff for their enormous amount of work done.

One of the community groups I have been involved in is the Hilltops Wellbeing Action Group (HWAG). This comprises many local health, education and wellness groups. Some of the issues being focused on include social and affordable housing and encouraging training of the Lifespan Program – QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer).

I would like to commend Hilltops Council for implementing the QPR training across the organisation so that all staff will become trained. After a nomination process to become Workplace Wellness Champions, twenty employees were selected from all aspects of the work environment (indoor/outdoor staff/different departments) to do training throughout the year, to help support not only other employees, but also the broader Hilltops community.

A local drug action team program is being organised by HWAG to improve youth health outcomes and services for sexual health, mental health and drug and alcohol consumption. This program is being funded through the Alcohol and Drug Foundation and will be designed over the next twelve months.

In other parts of the community, the Harden Visitor Information Centre is close to opening. The hardworking Committee has done an excellent job on its completion. The Boorowa Community Garden plantings have commenced, and the gardens are progressing well. The Regional Health Summit organised by Local Government NSW was a well-supported regional initiative.

Councillor Roles and I were privileged to attend the ALGWA (Australian Local Government Women’s Association) National Conference in Sydney to celebrate a hundred years of women in government.

Hilltops Council is a busy, dynamic workplace and I am pleased to be part of it. Council Rita O’Connor

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