Justin’s community service recognised

IMAGE: Young’s Junior Citizen of the Year, Justin Garlick has received another prestigious award.
IMAGE: Young’s Junior Citizen of the Year, Justin Garlick has received another prestigious award.

Her Excellency, The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales, as Patron of The Order of Australia Association NSW Branch, has presented Justin Garlick from Hennessy Catholic College in Young with a Youth Community Service Award for exceptional service or engagement with their local community, or to Australia in general.

Justin was one of 25 students who participated in an investiture presentation conducted by Zoom with the Governor. He received a trophy and certificate of commendation from the Governor.

Conducted by the Order of Australia Association (NSW) Branch, students across the state were nominated by their school principal as being exemplary community role models before a selection panel determined the final Award recipients.

Service ranges from local initiatives such as education, health and welfare for disadvantaged or underprivileged communities, to international initiatives in a host of community development activities such as education, health, sanitation and infrastructure projects. The Award is not for academic or sporting achievements.

His citation read: Justin Garlick – Hennessy Catholic College, Young Within the Hennessy College community, Justin is widely recognised for his leadership, commitment, maturity and selflessness, especially during his HSC year.

As RICE House Captain, he led over 120 students from years 7 to 12 and is a key organiser and participant in all extracurricular activities across sporting, fundraising, religious and pastoral care, education, and community service activities.

He is a founder of the Student Wellbeing Action Group (SWAG) with a personal focus on mental health and leadership development.

In the Young community, he joined the SES emergency rescue service and has completed accreditation in all training areas at a high standard. His Area Commander commended his performance in all training and operational activities as a potential future leader within the higher ranks of the SES.

In the Young Army Cadet Unit, he was promoted to Warrant Officer Class 2 and is now 2IC of the Unit covering the towns of Grenfell, Cowra, Young and Boorowa. At the end of 2020 Justin was awarded the 200 Army Cadet Unit (ACU) Unit 3 Young Cadet of the Year for his outstanding service to cadets.

In January 2021, he was awarded the Junior Citizen of the Year for the township of Young.

Order of Australia Association (NSW) Branch Chairman, Jim Mein AM, congratulated Justin saying he is an exemplary community role model.

“Justin is one of 25 high school students recognised today to have selflessly volunteered their time to a wide range of organisations and for many very worthy causes while busily preparing for their Higher School Certificates,” said Mr Mein.

“After the 2020 Covid hiatus, the Award resumed this year and student nominees again admirably demonstrated the sense of community commitment and service that had epitomised previous recipients of the Award.”

“Justin has contributed beyond the norm and his actions have inspired his fellow students. Justin is a beacon of inspiration for others to follow,” he added. “Justin did not seek recognition for his actions, but we honour him with the highest recognition available to NSW high school students,” he said.

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