From Hilltops Councillor – Mayor Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram
Brian Ingram

Council has recently received funding for the development of a new skatepark for Boorowa. The funds were secured by Council through the second round of the New South Wales State Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund and work is underway to develop a concept design in consultation with the community. 

A new skatepark in Boorowa will complement the fantastic new playground that was opened last year. We look forward to putting the ideas provided by the community, particularly local school children, into the concept design and delivering a space to keep our kids active and engaged.

Further geotechnical investigations have been scheduled on Bundarbo Bridge. The bridge will be closed from 4.30pm Friday 14 June until late Sunday 16 June. These works will inform designs for the replacement of the bridge. Alternative access between Jugiong and Adjungbilly will be through Gobarralong Road for the period of the closure. Signage will be erected informing motorists of the closure and detour route during the closure. No further traffic changes will result from the works. We thank you for your patience during this important work.

We are getting closer to finalising agreements with Schools Infrastructure NSW on the joint use library facility in Young. A lot of work has gone into ensuring the design and agreements are made to best serve the community and I look forward to sharing news regarding this project at the June Council Meeting.

The latest community newsletter is now available, residents can check out a hard copy from various locations across the Hilltops area or on our website Mayor Brian Ingram

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