From Hilltops Council – Mayor Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram
Brian Ingram

The COVID-19 situation remains concerning. Daily case numbers in Greater Sydney continue to be high. Thankfully at this stage the outbreak appears to be largely contained to the Greater Sydney area. For this to be maintained we must take all precautions possible to protect ourselves and our community. Please adhere to restrictions and public health orders, wear a mask, limit unnecessary travel, maintain social distancing and strict hygiene measures. If you have even the mildest symptoms please get tested.

We are currently reviewing the running of our major events, due to be held between October and December, in line with current COVID-19 restrictions. In consultation with the relevant section 355 committees, a report will be going to Council this month to make a determination on the ability for these events to go ahead. We will do everything we can to allow these events to be held but must be mindful of current restrictions, public safety and reduced visitor numbers. The youth ninja course and archery war events that were due to be held this week have been rescheduled until the next school holidays.

The July Ordinary Council Meeting was held via Zoom last week. One of the main items on the agenda was the LEP (Local Environmental Plan). After many many months of work and consultation the final draft of the document went to Council for endorsement. Council voted to defer this item for a one month period to allow Councillors time to further consider this important document and ask staff any questions they may have. This is not an opportunity for additional public submissions as these have already closed and been considered.

We are aware of damage to the Hilltops road network caused by continued wet weather across the region. The assessment and repair of this damage will be a matter of priority for Council, however, the extent of damage cannot be assessed until the rain has eased and roads have dried out. We expect these repairs will come at significant cost to Council, accordingly we will be seeking the support of both the State and Federal Governments to assist in the cost of carrying out repairs to bring our road network back to an acceptable and safe condition for all road users.

Once again I remind everyone that although the Local Government Election has been postponed until December, it is still only just around the corner. I invite anyone with an interest in the future of Hilltops, and who is considering candidacy, reach out to myself, General Manager Anthony O’Reilly, or any current Councillor for a chat about what is involved and how you can make a difference.
Finally, I must make mention of the Australian Swimming Team at the Tokyo Olympics. What an achievement to become our most successful swimming team in Olympic history, especially after the Games were postponed last year. This is proof that hard work and dedication pays off. Congratulations to the entire Australian Olympic team, who have delivered pride and inspiration to the loungerooms of millions of Australians.

– Mayor Brian Ingram

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