From Hilltops Council – John Horton

Councilor John horton
Councilor John horton

Three months have elapsed since my last Councillor’s column and I hope you are all coping well with our lockdowns.

I have been asked repeatedly, certain questions by Hilltops Residents lately, as follows:
1 Why should I receive COVID vaccinations?
2 Why have my rates increased?
3 What is this LEP?

1. Responsible people insure their car, just in case it is stolen, written off, or damaged in a car accident. It is for the same reasons that we should receive our two COVID vaccinations. We don’t want to have our body stolen ie, written off or damaged, simply because we did not have insurance cover “vaccination” and we do not want to be responsible for the death of family or friends. GET vaccinated ASAP — I received my second shot last month and I can assure you, there is nothing to it and I enjoy wonderful peace of mind.

2. Rates in the Hilltops have increased for some residents and have been lowered for others. Rates harmonisation is the title given to the project by the NSW State Government and the justification for the project is simple. Prior to amalgamation the former Shire Councils of Boorowa, Harden and Young had varied rating systems in place, it was for this reason that Hilltops Council wanted to have a fairer system for all Hilltops residents. Owners of houses and land etc paid varying rates for equivalent properties in the past and the harmonisation was introduced to make rate paying fairer for all. The result, some pay more and some pay less, however we now have a much fairer system throughout the Hilltops. I want to stress to all, that this is not a money grabbing exercise by Council, simply because the revenue received by Council now, shall be the same as that received prior to the introduction of the fairer rating system.

3. LEP stands for “Local environment Planning” and it is a normal part of life for any progressive Council.

In our case, planning for the future needs of people living in, or for those who wish to relocate to Hilltops.

Into the future we must have land available for new homes, new industries, commercial sites for shops, small acreage for hobby farmers and for those who want a block of land large enough to run a few horses or have a small orchid etc etc etc. Remember, without change there can be no growth.

Please stay safe, get vaccinated now to ensure that you enjoy a happy and safe Spring time, leading up to Christmas.

__– Councillor John Horton __

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