Applications for Country Education Foundation (CEF) of Boorowa’s annual education grants are now open.
Grants are available to 16 to 25 year olds who have lived, or attended school in the region for the majority of their high school years.
The cost to access education is much higher for regional and rural students pursuing their post high school goals. These costs can be prohibitive.
CEF of Boorowa is a charity organisation that has been supporting school leavers for over 25 years with annual grants.
CEF of Boorowa President, Justin Fleming said grants aren’t awarded on merit.
“We support young kids who have ambition,” Mr Fleming said.
“These education opportunities don’t come without a cost. This shows the community is behind them.”
The grants contribute towards apprenticeships, traineeships, cadetships, diplomas, certificate level studies, university qualifications or employment.
They are strictly to cover education and employment expenses.
“There are great opportunities for young kids who have aspirations,” Mr Fleming said.
“Hope to have a positive impact for kids so they can return and in turn contribute to the fabric of rural Australia.”
“We do it to help bush kids get out and into it. That’s still very much the case for some families who need a bit of a hand.”
Applications are open until September 20 and can be made on the CEF website
The four essential selection criteria are demonstrated need, aged between 16 to 25, have gone to school in Boorowa or living in the region; and show commitment to achieving their goal.
The interview process will take place in early October before CEF of Boorowa makes final decisions.