The Regen Grazing Group has resumed its mentor programme; the next one being hosted by Damian Armstrong at his property “Spring Valley” Frogmore on Wednesday 28th April at 12.30pm.
Topics for the day will include grass budgeting on a changing season to assess amount of fodder available leading into the winter months. How much feed do we have and how best to match stocking rate to carrying capacity and what are the best options to utilise available feed to maximise feed going into winter.
Damian is also doing some new wire and water development at “Spring Valley” and will be looking at some winter and summer cover cropping; sabbath paddocks that have been on a planned rotation.
All are welcome, there is no charge for the day. A cuppa and snacks will be provided for afternoon tea.
Please RSVP for directions to or call 0459681018 for more