Autumn Garden Tasks

Gardening in Autumn
Gardening in Autumn

I always suggest to clients start the season with a stroll through their outdoor space.

Take your time to wander around the garden so you can really notice what is happening.

Normally at this time of year the garden can look quite tired and a bit dull however this year due to the moderate summer season I have noticed how lush, vigorous and strong everything is looking. I still have Hydrangeas flowering with not a single sign of burnt petals or leaves. After this walk around you should have a bit of an idea where to start. I always say start closest to the house or areas that you see the most.

Start making a list of things that need pruning, shaping, lifting, dividing removing or replacing.

Get on top of the weeds as quick as you can. With these ideal growing conditions the plants and weeds are growing just as fast as each other. Trying to get to any weeds before they go to seed is the best way to ensure the problem doesn't get worse next season. This weeding also includes weeds in your lawn areas.

Complete a tidy and light maintenance prune on your roses. Fertilise your roses after pruning to promote an Autumn flush of blooms.

Cut back or dead head flowering shrubs.

The planting season is here, so start working out where you need new plants. Start preparing the soil for planting – dig through organic garden compost or composted animal manure to build up the soil.

Start planting out your cool season crops in your vegetable garden. Make a plan for fertilising all of your gardens and lawn areas in late March or Early April.

After fertilising aim to mulch the garden areas. I always think of mulching in autumn as the time to put a nice thick layered blanket over your garden so it is tucked in tight for the cooler winter months that are coming. Now early in the season you can start sourcing what mulch to use and how much you need.

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